Phishing and spoofing emails look like official bank emails and try to trick you into visiting a fake website and providing your personal account information. In some cases they duplicate the bank’s web page to make their request appear official. These emails may also ask you to call a phone number and provide account information.
SMShing is phishing that happens via SMS text message. A criminal sends you a text message that tries to trick you into replying with financial or personal information or clicking on links that will sneak viruses onto your mobile device. Don’t respond to a text message that requests personal or financial information. 1NB Bank will never ask you to provide your information in this way.
AT (618) 594-2491, (618) 594-3741 OR (618)228-9100
If you receive a suspicious email or text message that uses 1NB Bank's name, immediately notify us at
Traditional online threats
Viruses, malware and other programs intended to steal your personal information or financial details are able to infect some computers and mobile devices. If your computer, mobile phone or tablet supports a traditional anti-virus product, consider installing that software. Consider backing up your data and keep the backup in a safe and secure location. This will allow you to restore your data in the event you need to wipe the device clean in order to remove a harmful software threat.
Identifying PHISHING and SPOOFING emails
Fake Mobile Banking apps
Criminals may develop and publish fake mobile banking applications that look like official 1NB Bank apps but are designed to steal your logon credentials. Here are tips for recognizing an unofficial 1NB Bank app:
Lost and stolen devices
Mobile phones and tablet devices can be easily lost or stolen, which puts your information at risk. Here are some to protect yourself in the event your device is lost or stolen:
NOTICE: 1NB Bank is not responsible for and has no control over the subject matter, content, information, or graphics of the web sites that have links here. Please contact us with any concerns or comments.